[PATCH][CK] autoconf fixes, separate pamlibdir variable, path expansion at make time

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 11:56:18 PDT 2007

2007/4/2, David Zeuthen <david at fubar.dk>:
> On Mon, 2007-04-02 at 20:27 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> > The last commit 5f3b3a7aec1c2ef81dfe28d6167049ef82e81860 to ConsoleKit
> > had the unpleasant side effect, that you are now forced to install
> > libck_connector to /lib (as the pam modules are in /lib/security),
> > even if you want to install libck_connector to /usr/lib (as it
> > dependencies, like libdbus, are in /usr/lib).
> In Fedora, libdbus is in /lib
>  $ rpm -ql dbus|grep libdbus
>  /lib/libdbus-1.so.3
>  /lib/libdbus-1.so.3.2.0
> You really always want libck_connector to be in /lib because some
> application such as /bin/login might want use the pam_ckconnector.so
> (that requires libck_connector) before /usr is mounted.
> As a side effect, this means that you need D-Bus in /lib if you want to
> use pam_ckconnector.so in /bin/login and want to handle cases where /usr
> is not mounted. Which I think you do.
> My assumption is that /bin/login aborts when it can't load libdbus for
> pam_ckconnector.so...

No, it doesn't:

Apr  2 20:52:03 pluto su[6151]: + pts/1 michael:root
Apr  2 20:52:03 pluto su[6151]: (pam_unix) session opened for user
root by (uid=1000)
Apr  2 20:52:51 pluto login[2863]: PAM unable to
Apr  2 20:52:51 pluto login[2863]: PAM [dlerror: libck-connector.so.0:
cannot open shared object file: No s
uch file or directory]
Apr  2 20:52:51 pluto login[2863]: PAM adding faulty module:
Apr  2 20:52:53 pluto login[2863]: (pam_unix) session opened for user
root by (uid=0)

You can login just fine.

Please remember, that libck-connector, in order to work properly needs
a running dbus, which in turn requires /usr/ mounted.
So, I don't actually see the point in havin libck_connector installed in /lib.


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