[PATCH] fdi cache regen logic error

David Zeuthen david at fubar.dk
Thu Apr 12 12:55:22 PDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 12:19 -0400, Doug Goldstein wrote:
> Doug Goldstein wrote:
> > There's a logic error in the check of the return from fdi cache regen.
> > Basically if exit_type wasn't HALD_RUN_SUCCESS (which is defined as 0)
> > or return_code isn't 0 or 2, then an error occurred. Based on the order
> > users would have the following in their logs.
> >
> > 12:54:13.827 [I] mmap_cache.c:137: In regen_cache_cb exit_type=0, return_code=0
> > 12:54:13.827 [E] mmap_cache.c:190: fdi cache regeneration failed!
> >
> > The following patch corrects the issue and should be applied to 0.5.9 branch as well.


> I know I'm replying to myself...
> But personally I usually prefer to catch the cases I know are successful
> and let all other cases fail over..
> Attached is the patch to go in that direction.

Committed to both HEAD and the 0.5.9 branch. Thanks!


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