
Richard Hughes hughsient at
Thu Apr 26 11:15:05 PDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-04-26 at 10:59 -0700, Artem Kachitchkine wrote:
> What are the input values for the g-p-m algorithms? The original ACPI
> values (i.e. reporting.* and voltage.*) ? 

Nope (although the ACPI method is used as a fallback) - I'm actually
profiling how long the battery lasts for each complete percentage
change, and then integrating these to get a time for any percentage
value. This allows us to predict how long the battery will actually last
for the user (typically) - the algorithm self converges over time.

This lets us have a battery 100% charged and be able to say "This
battery will last approximately 2 hours" even when the discharge profile
is non-linear, the smart chip only reports some percentage states and
the battery has one dead cell.

See my blog ( for screenshots and more detail.


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