[hotkey-setup] Extra keyboard buttons

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 14:39:49 PDT 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 22:29 +0100, Paul Sladen wrote:
> These files are sourced every time an event occurs.  Doing the
> translation
> once per boot (at FDI load time) is unlikely to be slower.  The
> crucial
> difference between numbers and strings is that the human-readable
> constants
> are *maintainable*. 

But we're not just doing variable substitution - we've got to do hash
matching of each KEY_xxx keyword, i.e. parse several strings at startup
when we could just add a note in the fdi file <!-- KEY_EMAIL --> and
have no run-time overhead (think embedded machines)... I'm trying to
make this as fast as possible, and I don't think there'll be significant
changes in existing keymaps.

IMO, A simple howto can show the user how to go from a warning in dmesg
to working buttons (and a patch to hal-devel). Why do you think the
constants are more maintainable than a simple constant with a suitable
comment? Thanks for your help with this BTW.


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