[PATCH] fix changeset handling for HAL_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRLIST

Danny Kukawka danny.kukawka at web.de
Wed Aug 22 11:18:24 PDT 2007


this patch fixes some problems with the workflow and signal handling in 
changesets via libhal for HAL_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRLIST:

* If libhal_changeset_set_property_strlist() get currently used to add a 
  stringlist to HAL after call libhal_device_commit_changeset() for each
  new entry of the list a 'PROPERTY_CHANGED' signal get emitted.
  This seems to be wrong and make also no sence because you can't find
  out what in the list was changed/added, since the signals get emitted
  after the commit call where the list is already complete changed.
  I changed this to commit the signal only one for each call of 

* If libhal_changeset_set_property_strlist() get currently used in the 
  code HAL use hal_device_property_strlist_clear() to clear the list for
  the new list. This function also call hal_property_strlist_clear() which
  doesn't work (which we already detected in March 2007) and cause some
  times later a crash in HAL. I fixed this by remove the strlist property
  from the hashtable and add an new empty property instead with the same


 device.c                  |   66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 device.h                  |    9 +++-
 device_info.c             |    6 +--
 freebsd/hf-usb.c          |    2 -
 hald_dbus.c               |   34 ++++++++++++++----
 hald_test.c               |    4 +-
 linux/osspec.c            |    2 -
 solaris/devinfo_storage.c |    4 +-
 8 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
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