TI FlashMedia xx12/xx21 problem

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at infinity-ltd.com
Thu Aug 30 12:52:12 PDT 2007

I think this is a HAL problem - when I insert a SD card in the
built-in card reader on my laptop, HAL no longer mounts it. It did
in the past. I believe part of the problem may be that this is not a
USB, nor a PCMCIA device. This is with hal-

The /dev entries for it are mmcblk0 and mmcblk0p1 with the p1 entry
being the first partition.

brw-r----- 1 root disk 179, 0 Aug 30 14:23 /dev/mmcblk0
brw-r----- 1 root disk 179, 1 Aug 30 14:23 /dev/mmcblk0p1

$ ls --lcontext /dev/mmc*
brw-r----- 1 system_u:object_r:removable_device_t root disk 179, 0
Aug 30 14:23 /dev/mmcblk0
brw-r----- 1 system_u:object_r:removable_device_t root disk 179, 1
Aug 30 14:23 /dev/mmcblk0p1

When trying to use gnome-mount, here is the error:

$ gnome-mount -v -b -d /dev/mmcblk0p1 -m music
gnome-mount 0.5
X display not available - using text-based operation.
libhal-storage.c 1401 : INFO: called LIBHAL_FREE_DBUS_ERROR but
dbusError was not set.

** (gnome-mount:3992): WARNING **: Given device '/dev/mmcblk0p1' is
not a volume or a drive.

But I can mount it manually as root:
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /mnt/temp type vfat (ro)

The card does have a label, and if I use a USB reader it is mounted
as /media/MUSIC.

I am not sure if this problem is specific to the TI device using the
tifm modules, or if it affects all mmc devices.

Is this the place to ask for help on this, or should I file it on
bugzilla? If a bug report is the correct way to go, am I correct in
thinking that this is a HAL bug?


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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