Resume via quirks, not using the DBUS method, Was: Release Candidates ?

Peter Jones pjones at
Tue Feb 20 10:01:09 PST 2007

On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 11:59 +0000, Richard Hughes wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 00:59 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
> >  1. Need a pm-utils release and the associated glue for HAL. Richard,
> >     can you drive this one (I can throw staplers at Peter if needed)?
> >     Thanks! This is a release blocker.
> Attached patches (to pm-utils and HAL) propagate the quirk information
> onto the tools via the command line.

OK, so below is what I'm actually merging, barring complaints ;)

It's basically your patch, but with the following changes:

1) license text without the "or any later version" (we haven't
   been using that text elsewhere)
2) vbetool called in a wrapper, rather than calling 'checkvbetool'
   over and over right before calling vbetool.
3) we expect to find vbetool in the path set in pm/functions
4) set acpi_video_flags to 0 (I could be talked out of this)
   if none of the quirks are set.
5) added --quirk-radeon-off and appropriate radeontool stuff
6) alphabetized the help strings and option parsing

... I think that's it.  Anyway, it's below.

> p.s. Throw the stapler now.


Index: src/pm-action
RCS file: /cvs/pm-utils/pm-utils/src/pm-action,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -p -r1.7 pm-action
--- src/pm-action	6 Nov 2006 16:35:42 -0000	1.7
+++ src/pm-action	20 Feb 2007 18:00:36 -0000
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #    Bill Nottingham <notting at>
 #    Peter Jones <pjones at>
 #    David Zeuthen <davidz at>
+#    Richard Hughes <richard at>
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
@@ -25,6 +26,25 @@
 # The rule here? Simplicity.
+help_options() {
+	echo "pm-action [options]"
+	echo
+	echo "Options can change how the supend or hibernate is done."
+	echo
+	echo "Possible actions are:"
+	echo
+	echo "  --quirk-dpms-on"
+	echo "  --quirk-dpms-suspend"
+	echo "  --quirk-radeon-off"
+	echo "  --quirk-s3-bios"
+	echo "  --quirk-s3-mode"
+	echo "  --quirk-vbe-post"
+	echo "  --quirk-vbemode-restore"
+	echo "  --quirk-vbestate-restore"
+	echo "  --quirk-vga-mode3"
+	echo
 if [ -n "$EUID" -a "$EUID" != "0" ]; then
 	echo This utility may only be run by the root user. 1>&2
 	exit 1
@@ -32,6 +52,37 @@ fi
 export LC_COLLATE=C
+# Get the command line options
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]
+	case "$1" in
+		--quirk-dpms-on)
+			export DISPLAY_QUIRK_DPMS_ON="true" ;;
+		--quirk-dpms-suspend)
+			export DISPLAY_QUIRK_DPMS_SUSPEND="true" ;;
+		--quirk-radeon-off)
+			export DISPLAY_QUIRK_RADEON_OFF="true" ;;
+		--quirk-s3-bios)
+			export DISPLAY_QUIRK_S3_BIOS="true" ;;
+		--quirk-s3-mode)
+			export DISPLAY_QUIRK_S3_MODE="true" ;;
+		--quirk-vbe-post)
+			export DISPLAY_QUIRK_VBE_POST="true" ;;
+		--quirk-vbemode-restore)
+		--quirk-vbestate-restore)
+		--quirk-vga-mode3)
+			export DISPLAY_QUIRK_VGA_MODE_3="true" ;;
+		--help)
+			help_options
+			exit 0 ;;
+		*)
+			break ;; # terminate while loop
+	esac
+	shift
 . /etc/pm/functions
 [ -f /sys/power/state ] || exit 1
Index: pm/hooks/20video
RCS file: /cvs/pm-utils/pm-utils/pm/hooks/20video,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -p -r1.7 20video
--- pm/hooks/20video	27 Apr 2006 08:05:43 -0000	1.7
+++ pm/hooks/20video	20 Feb 2007 18:00:36 -0000
@@ -1,27 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright 2006-2007 Richard Hughes <richard at>
+# Copyright 2007 Peter Jones <pjones at>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
 . /etc/pm/functions
+vbetool=$(type -p vbetool)
+vbe() {
+	if [ -z "$vbetool" ]; then
+		echo "vbetool not found" 1>&2
+		return 1
+	fi
+	$vbetool "$@"
+radeontool=$(type -p radeontool)
+radeon() {
+	if [ -z "$radeontool" ]; then
+		echo "radeontool not found" 1>&2
+		return 1
+	fi
+	$radeontool "$@"
-	# Suspend all video devices using the HAL dbus methods
-	devices=`hal-find-by-capability --capability video_adapter_pm`
-	for device in $devices
-	do
-		dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.Hal \
-			  $device org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.VideoAdapterPM.SuspendVideo
-	done
+	# 0=nothing, 1=s3_bios, 2=s3_mode, 3=both
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_S3_BIOS} == "true" -a
+			${DISPLAY_QUIRK_S3_MODE} == "true" ]; then
+		sysctl -w kernel.acpi_video_flags=3
+	elif [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_S3_BIOS} == "true" ]; then
+		sysctl -w kernel.acpi_video_flags=1
+	elif [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_S3_MODE} == "true" ]; then
+		sysctl -w kernel.acpi_video_flags=2
+	else
+		sysctl -w kernel.acpi_video_flags=0
+	fi
+	# We might need to do one or many of these quirks
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_VBESTATE_RESTORE} == "true" ]; then
+		vbe vbestate save > /var/run/vbestate
+	fi
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_VBEMODE_RESTORE} == "true" ]; then
+		vbe vbemode get > /var/run/vbemode
+	fi
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_VGA_MODE_3} == "true" ]; then
+		vbe vbemode set 3
+	fi
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_DPMS_SUSPEND} == "true" ]; then
+		vbe dpms suspend
+	fi
-	# Resume all video devices using the HAL dbus methods
-	devices=`hal-find-by-capability --capability video_adapter_pm`
-	for device in $devices
-	do
-		dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.Hal \
-			  $device org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.VideoAdapterPM.ResumeVideo
-	done
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_RADEON_OFF} == "true" ]; then
+		radeon dac on
+		radeon light on
+	fi
+	# We might need to do one or many of these quirks
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_VBE_POST} == "true" ]; then
+		vbe post </dev/tty0
+		usleep 100000
+	fi
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_VBESTATE_RESTORE} == "true" ]; then
+		vbe vbestate restore < /var/run/vbestate
+	fi
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_VBEMODE_RESTORE} == "true" ]; then
+		vbe vbemode set `cat /var/run/vbemode`
+	fi
+	if [ ${DISPLAY_QUIRK_DPMS_ON} == "true" ]; then
+		vbe dpms on
+	fi
 case "$1" in
@@ -41,8 +95,6 @@ case "$1" in
-	*)
-		;;
 exit $?


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