Release Candidates ?

Artem Kachitchkine Artem.Kachitchkin at Sun.COM
Wed Feb 21 11:25:01 PST 2007

>  7. Making umount(8) work with HAL for unprivileged users. This one
>     is described in detail here
>     and should be pretty easy to fix. It's a RH specific thing at the
>     moment I think.... also - be sure to enjoy the exchange of flames
>     in that bug :-). Anyway, it should be easy to fix.

The whole HAL awareness for mount/umount business kinda makes by brain 
hurt - though that could be because I never really sat down and thought 
about the problem systematically. When I put HAL into Solaris, the fear 
of touching legacy stuff was overwhelming. As a compromise, I introduced 
new commands rmmount/rmumount with the same syntax as mount/umount, so 
the hardcore CLI dudes just need to prepend "rm" (stands for "removable 
media", an old Solaris-ism for non-fixed storage) before their favorite 
incantation. Needless to say, the stuff you guys doing, I watch with 
fascination :)


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