Hal-storage questions: default mount options

Alexander Gerasiov gq at cs.msu.su
Tue Jan 23 00:58:55 PST 2007

Hello there.

I've found that KDE have some problems with mounting devices via HAL.

KDE just gets volume.mount.valid_options and tries to use some hardcoded
options which are valid.

But there are volume.policy.mount_option.* which are ignored.
pmount-hal use them and mount right. It uses
libhal_drive_policy_get_mount_options() from libhal-storage, but in the
header i found LIBHAL_DEPRECATED after it =\

From the other side I see no fuction in HAL API which means

So I have some questions:
1st. Does HAL policies supposed to setup mount options based on some
2nd. Is "volume.policy.mount_option" the right place for setup them?
3d. Who should insert that mountoptions into used mountoptions? HAL or
applications which uses HAL.
4th. If application should setup that options, what is the right way to
get volume.policy.mount_option.*?

Regards, Alexander.

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