Extra battery properties

Tomasz Torcz zdzichu at irc.pl
Tue Jul 3 10:38:05 PDT 2007

On Tue, Jul 03, 2007 at 02:04:38PM +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
> Guys,
> For the OLPC battery, we can extract more properties from the battery.
> Which of these make sense to expose in HAL? None is a valid answer :-)
> battery.temperature

 Just BTW, Thinkpads have two temperature sensors in battery. Both
exposed via /proc/acpi/ibm or later in /sys/**/temp*
 So just one field for temperature seems too low. Or maybe report
highest from all sensors in battery?

Tomasz Torcz                 "God, root, what's the difference?"
zdzichu at irc.-nie.spam-.pl         "God is more forgiving."

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