Regarding the CPUFreq interface in HAL

Anup Pemmaiah Napanda.Pemmaiah at Sun.COM
Thu Jul 5 17:44:11 PDT 2007


I'm working with a group inside of Sun Microsystems to port Gnome Power
Manager to Solaris. This effort will require me to implement one of the
HAL interfaces,"org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.CPUFreq", on Solaris. As I've
been considering how we might use this interface with our governors, 
I've begun to think that the interface, as it is currently defined, is 
not very flexible in its ability to handle multiple properties.

For example, while considering one of our governors (one that is similar 
to the Linux OnDemand governor), it occurred to me that we might want 
the ability to configure properties related to threshold and sampling 
rates (and possibly others). While the "SetCPUFreqPerformance" method 
does provide a mechanism for defining at least one of these properties, 
it doesn't seem like a good solution for multiple properties.

I'm curious whether or not there are any plans to extend this interface 
in the future to better support more properties. I'd be happy to discuss 
this further if you are interested.


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