Better way to manage /proc/bus/usb/* ownership?

Jason Grant expires07 at
Sun Jul 8 02:37:04 PDT 2007

[cross-posted to fedora forums some days ago without response]

On a fresh install of fedora7, gthumb reports an error "cannot claim USB
device" when my camera is inserted. This is because the files
under /proc/bus/usb have only root privileges.

After a crash-course in HAL, I've written a quick HAL 'callout' script
that changes ownership of the relevant USB file to the console user.
This script is invoked by HAL when a device is inserted that has
info.capabilities of "camera", and it follows the same approach
described in It
works nicely.

However I have a doubt that this is the simplest way to implement a fix,
as it seems way beyond the knowhow of the average linux user.  I would
appreciate suggestions of a better approach.

Thanks for any tips,


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