HAL Keymap Quirks for Lenovo Z61

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 06:37:43 PDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-07-10 at 13:03 +0200, Michael Olbrich wrote:
> Hi,
> I followed the instructions from the HAL Keymap Quirks page. I'm not
> really sure how my patch should look like. The keymap for my LENOVO Z61
> is identical to the one specified for the X60 in
> 30-keymap-module-thinkpad-acpi.fdi
> Does the file format allow to say 'contains="X60" or contains="Z61"' in
> some way?

No, just repeat the section. Thanks to the binary cache it's actually
not that big deal that we are repeating a few keys.



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