problems with HAL and input devices

Daniel Stone daniel.stone at
Fri Jul 27 01:58:42 PDT 2007

On Fri, Jul 27, 2007 at 12:00:24AM +0100, ext Richard Hughes wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 21:33 +0300, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > Hmm, this sounds like it's still going to be problematic.  Why do you
> > need to fail if it's not a switch? 
> Because it's not, if you know what I mean.
> > Sounds like returning success if you either: a) detect it's not a
> > switch, or b) successfully set up the switch, is the way to go here. 
> Yes, my patch is broken. Is there any documentation on:
> capabilities/abs

This device has absolute axes (e.g. is a touchscreen).  Find out which
axes with EV_ABS.

> capabilities/ff

Force feedback.  EV_FF returns a pretty complicated struct, IIRC.

> capabilities/led


> capabilities/rel

Relative axes (e.g. is a mouse).  Find out which axes with EV_REL.

> capabilities/sw


> capabilities/ev

Can generate events.  Ignore this one.

> capabilities/key

Can generate key events.

> capabilities/msc

Can generate 'miscellaneous' events.  Ignore this one.

> capabilities/snd

Can generate sounds (i.e. is the PC speaker, pretty much).

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