[BUG] Swap partition recognized as an UsbDisk

Andrea Cimitan andrea.cimitan at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 18:57:58 PDT 2007

I'm using new pata drivers which causes the device names to be sdaX.
My swap partition is sda1, and under "Computer" (in nautilus/gnome and in kde) is shown (it shouldn't since it
isn't browsable) and named UsbDisk, so when I put a _real_ UsbDisk it is
renamed as disk-1 and so on...
It is also placed in gtk-gilechooser, causing usability problems

What it was expected to do:
1. Not show swap under Computer and gtk-filechooser
2. Not name it as "UsbDisk", since it isn't browsable and it isn't an usbdisk

First submitted here:
Andrea "Cimi" Cimitan <andrea.cimitan at gmail.com>
GNOME Developer - Murrine Creator

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