ConsoleKit / Pam

David Zeuthen david at
Mon Mar 5 11:02:03 PST 2007

On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 11:27 -0500, William Jon McCann wrote:
> Unfortunately, it won't work in general.  It seems like some systems
> add other info to PAM_TTY too.  I think we just need to ignore PAM_TTY
> and only rely on the CKCON_TTY value.  If CKCON_TTY doesn't exist then
> just call OpenSession().

But you still get "tty1" from poking in proc so that won't help. I think
the value you get from proc just needs prepending "/dev/" and then you
check that file for existence / ownership?

> Also, I'm considering splitting our display-device attribute into
> display-device and x11-display-device to avoid any similar confusion
> in the future.

Isn't it more confusing having two variables? 

Also, just some thoughts, if display-device is not set (think xnest and
xdcmp) should we mark the session as being always active? And will it
belong to a pseudo seat on it's own?

Potentially in the future, for hot desking / session migration, we might
want to mark some sessions as inactive if they are not currently
displaying on a remote terminal. Then things like x11-display will be
able to change on the fly.

I guess having a man-page with clear definitions of these properties
might help. Along with how it's supposed to work for various use cases.
But now I'm just brainstorming :-)


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