kernel + hal = help me!

Logan Rathbone rathbonel at
Sat Mar 24 01:46:35 PDT 2007

Hello, HAL devels and followers of the hal ml.

I'd been running linux 2.6.18 for a while, along with my trusty hal, and figured it was time for a kernel update.  So I downloaded 
the sources from, applied the Con Kolivas patches, yada yada 
yada, configged & built the new kernel.

Works fine, except I'm getting problems getting some of the metadata of 
my USB devices properly detected from HAL.  This is in turn causing 
incorrect icons to be displayed for devices in kde's mediamanager.

I'm 99% sure this is because of the sysfs changes that have been made in 
this rendition of the kernel (would it be possible for them to go *one* 
month without breaking userspace?  anyway, I digress), but am unsure 
about what my course of action should be.  I want to use  Do I 
need HAL CVS (OK fine, "git" or whatever yalls are on now... you know 
what I mean)?  I've set CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED=y in my .config for the 

Any help appreciated.  Please forgive my dry "sense of humour" -- it's 
4:43 am here ;)

PS:  a diff of the lshal outputs from 2.6.18 -> is attached.

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