next release?
Danny Kukawka
danny.kukawka at
Sat Mar 24 13:36:30 PDT 2007
we have now since September 2006 (6 months) no new stable relase of HAL.
And 0.5.9RC1 is now also some weeks old. If I take a look at the list in
this mail:
IMO almost everything is fixed/in in git HEAD.
While some stuff have to wait to get in until 0.5.9 (e.g. sound devices
stuff, ACPI/PMU changes) other features get implemented without any
discussion (e.g. locking API).
The point is: We should release now _and_ speed up the release cycle. I
really hate the current situation and also to package permanently git
snapshots. If we now release we can avoid to get permanently new
bugreports for which is really outdated (but the last release)
and the most developers don't use it any more. This make bugreporting
very difficult and is frustrating for both, the users and the developers.
At least we should release every 2 months, this would also speed up the
development and allow us to get more release for testing between the
releases of the distributions. The current development cycle is
Sorry, don't missunderstand all this, but we need to change it.
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