Suspend quirk found, but...

Danny Kukawka danny.kukawka at
Tue Nov 20 06:43:32 PST 2007

On Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, Russell Neches wrote:
> Hey!
> I discovered that the motherboard in my desktop machine evidently needs
> the --quirk-s3-bios to resume property. I'd like to send a patch for the
> relevant .fdi file, but unfortunately system.hardware.vendor and
> system.hardware.product are not set. I have nothing to match against!
> At the request of Richard Hughes, I'm forwarding this to the HAL list in
> the hopes that someone might be able guess what we ought to match
> against to identify this particular motherboard. It is an ABit A8V
> board, which was reasonably popular as these things go. I've attached
> the output of lshal below.

I would warn to add a match with these information, this could lead to many 

Could you may post these info: 

grep . /sys/class/dmi/id/*


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