[PATCH] Increase polling delay in addon-storage.c

Robby Workman rw at rlworkman.net
Wed Nov 28 14:23:40 PST 2007

Discussion on IRC about the polling delay centered around the idea
that optical devices generally take 5 seconds or usually longer to
be ready for use, and as such a longer wait than 2 seconds is most
likely desirable.  Two points:
1) The choice of 10 seconds is at least partly arbitrary - the
   individual who brought this up has drives that take 12-13 seconds,
   while mine takes about 7 seconds.  If some other number is better,
   then so be it.
2) I'm *really* REALLY new to C, and I don't claim to understand it
   nearly as well as I should to be hacking on HAL, so flames are
   understood if I didn't quite handle the freebsd/ part properly
   (although it appears simple) :-)

Patch is against 0.5.10 sources.

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