Acer laptop brightness hal support

Michal Majchrowicz m.majchrowicz at
Fri Sep 7 05:55:56 PDT 2007

I recently spent some time on adding software way of controling
brightness on my Acer laptop. There is acer_acpi module that adds this
support. It creates /proc/acpi/acer/brightness which allows to
set/read brightness. I have modified acpi.c to add to hal support for
this module. I hope you will accept it to main tree. I don't send
hal-system-lcd* since the contol of brightness is almost the same as
for panasonic (and others).
to read:
cat /proc/acpi/acer/brightness
to write:
(accept values from 0 to 15)
echo 4 > /proc/acpi/acer/brightness
Regards Michal.
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