PolicyKit 0.8

Doug Goldstein cardoe at gentoo.org
Thu Apr 17 06:11:50 PDT 2008

David Zeuthen wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 23:06 -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
>> On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 22:15 -0400, David Zeuthen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here's a new PolicyKit release
>>> http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/PolicyKit-0.8.tar.gz
>> I sent a whole bunch of PK patches months ago for FreeBSD support (as
>> well as other portability fixes).  Why weren't they included?  Having to
>> patch locally makes my life a lot harder.
> Oh crap, I'm sorry about that. I did remember seeing those patches. The
> ugly truth is that I wasn't paying enough attention to the this list


This goes back to the same thing me and several others have been 
complaining about on list and off list for ages. There's no community 
involvement. Bugzilla exists for a reason but those patches and reports 
sit there ignored indefinitely and then any discussion or patches on the 
ML go ignored. All we've got are code drops.

Feels like I say the same thing every release.

Doug Goldstein <cardoe at gentoo.org>

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