Any plans for new HAL release?

Simon Geard delgarde at
Mon Dec 29 01:20:48 PST 2008

Continuing solving problems with a new LFS system, I've just resolved a
problem where my wireless card wasn't being recognised as a wireless
card. Eventually tracked the problem to the kernel, where I was missing
the CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT_SYSFS option, which I had disabled due to it
being a deprecated feature, needed only if I have programs like old
versions of HAL using it.

Unfortunately, 'old versions' apparently includes the current 0.5.11
release, the second time in a week I've been bitten by HAL not
supporting stuff - first udev, now the kernel. It's not like I'm using
bleeding-edge versions of either - both udev-130 and kernel 2.6.27 were
released sometime back in October.

So, are there any plans to release a version that works? Both problems
are fixed in git, but the last release was back in May.

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