[PATCH] Revert 5ce97e6f22fd25279793fbc75211d2e86413ae73 from ConsoleKit

Rémi Cardona remi at gentoo.org
Fri Feb 1 01:11:07 PST 2008

I'll just chime in here exceptionally because as a downstream 
distributor (I'm part of the Gnome Herd in Gentoo), I'm starting to get 
_completely_ lost in all the different parts, tools, services, daemons 
and the nightmare they are turning into.

This is totally getting out of hand for very little gain. The sheer 
complexity of HAL/ConsoleKit/PolicyKit is _too_much_ to handle.

Please, all of you who work on the Utopia stack and GDM : try to keep 
things _simple_ for us lowly distributors.

I don't have a solution that will make everyone happy, I'm just 
advocating common sense, as it seems to have been forgotten along the way.

Thanks for reading.


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