re [hal-info] Add Olympus DS-2 voice recorder

Martin Pitt martin at
Thu Feb 28 23:35:42 PST 2008

Hi Trond,

Trond Husø [2008-02-28 16:33 +0100]:
> noticed on the HAL-list that you've coded something that adds the
> Olympus DS-2 voice recorder. That's nice. I have a Olympus VN-1100PC
> Voice recorder. 
> I think the kernel picks it up some how, but it does not show up on the
> desktop. Is there any debug-information, dmesg, any other output you
> would need to see if you can add this device as well.

Indeed. Please plug it in, and then do

  dmesg > /tmp/dmesg.txt
  lshal > /tmp/lshal.txt

and attach both files. 


Martin Pitt                        |
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