Hal does not appear to be working with media - why not?

John Chapman thestar at fussycoder.id.au
Wed Jan 16 23:17:48 PST 2008

dbus version: 1.0.2
hal version: 0.5.10
hal info version: 20071212
libusb version: 0.1.12
--prefix used: /usr

Hey, I've been trying to get my computer to automatically mount media such as cdroms and usb drives automatically when I put them into the machine, so I have found out that apparently I need hal and dbus to do so,

I have them installed, unfortunately I just can't get them to work properly. Could you guys please help troubleshoot the issue with me?

This is a custom linux system, running on an Asus V6V (x86 32-bit) laptop, and I do have konquerer installed that seems to use dbus, so I believe dbus is working fine although I do have the following wierd output from dbus-monitor:

bash-3.2$ dbus-launch dbus-monitor 
signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> dest=:1.0 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameAcquired
   string ":1.0"
method call sender=:1.0 -> dest=org.freedesktop.DBus path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=AddMatch
   string "type='method_call'"
method call sender=:1.0 -> dest=org.freedesktop.DBus path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=AddMatch
   string "type='method_return'"
method call sender=:1.0 -> dest=org.freedesktop.DBus path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=AddMatch
   string "type='error'"

Everything (except hal) appears to use dbus fine. (Unfortunately, at this stage, "everything" just means a few kde-based apps such as konqueror).

The problem I have is that when I insert my usb stick while running sudo hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes, /nothing/ gets output as a result! It completely ignores any such changes.

I have attached the output of sudo hald--daemon=no --verbose=yes, which I ran until hal stopped processing the new cd I had just inserted into the drive.
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