[hal-info PATCH] Rationalise Acer keyboard map

Daniel Stone daniel.stone at nokia.com
Tue Jun 24 03:15:42 PDT 2008

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:09:25PM +0200, ext Danny Kukawka wrote:
> On Dienstag, 24. Juni 2008, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> > On Tue, 2008-06-24 at 10:07 +0200, Danny Kukawka wrote:
> [..]
> > > And what about the conserns regarding performance and mapping unneeded
> > > keys (especially on machines that need no mapping which is connected to
> > > loss of performance). There e.g. is no usefull way blacklist machines if
> > > they need no mapping ... etc.
> >
> > Performance, give me a break. You're clutching at straws. If people are
> > that concerned about losing that small amount of RAM, they'll probably
> > turn off HAL in the first place. Or they just won't notice at all or
> > care, because their multimedia keys work now.
> There were that much efforts to improve hal performance for some milliseconds  
> and to save some kbytes and now we waste these improvements that easy. 
> Thanks!

If you're so concerned about performance as to be petrified of a few
hundred extra bytes, just remove all the FDI files which don't apply to
you.  Also, you could hack the FDI file yourself to only describe what
you know to be true.  So I still don't see a problem: people concerned
about _twelve bytes_ can deal with it.  Or not run HAL.

Seriously, are you arguing against this patch on the grounds of twelve
extra bytes and 96 milliseconds?  I'm sure 96 milliseconds could be
found with code optimisations, and twelve bytes could be found by making
one message shorter.

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