Update on DeviceKit

Marcel Holtmann marcel at holtmann.org
Wed May 7 05:08:13 PDT 2008

Hi Richard,

> > I personally think that GObject should only be used in UI applications
> > and not within system daemons.
> Nahh, most of the complexity in HAL is mainly due to using the raw C
> dbus bindings. I use GObject in PackageKit and it's a blessing.

if you talk about desktop system, I couldn't care less, but once we go
into the embedded space, it is different. And I know the issues with the
raw D-Bus low-level library. Don't tell me about it. Just setting it up
with the GLib mainloop is pain enough. That is the reason why I wrote
libgdbus. It can do this all for you without using the complexity of
GObject (including introspection) and it allows you to use an Embedded
GLib or stripped down GLib if you have size restrictions.

I would prefer if we can move into libgdbus direction instead of
dbus-glib since the GObject part is from my perspective useless and an
overhead inside a system daemon. Tell me what you would expect from a
GLib based D-Bus binding that doesn't use GObject and only relies on the
core and basic API of GLib.



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