Update on DeviceKit

Martin Pitt martin at piware.de
Wed May 7 05:50:41 PDT 2008


first, thanks David for this interesting summary and read. It is
most helpful to coordinate things downstream.

David Zeuthen [2008-05-07  3:40 -0400]:
> ---------
> DeviceKit
> ---------
> This is a simple system service that a) can enumerate devices; b) emits
> signals when devices are added removed; c) provides a way to merge
> device information / quirks onto devices. And that's it. 

One thing that isn't clear to me after your summary is what happens
with udev? After all, udev already does (a) and (b), and a subset of
(c). Would DK entirely replace udev, and would DK take over /dev
maintenance and mknod'ing? Or does it basically provide a dbusified
interface to udev, which would be the actual source of device change
notifications (as hal is today) and storage of arbitrary properties
(which would need to be added to udev)?

> DeviceKit-disks
> gnome-disk-utility

Sorry for the unconstructive comment, but: AWESOME!


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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