Update on DeviceKit

Lennart Poettering mzuny at 0pointer.de
Wed May 7 11:46:33 PDT 2008

On Wed, 07.05.08 03:40, David Zeuthen (david at fubar.dk) wrote:

> This is a simple system service that a) can enumerate devices; b) emits
> signals when devices are added removed; c) provides a way to merge
> device information / quirks onto devices. And that's it. A device is
> identified by a) the native OS-specific path (on Linux a sysfs path); b)
> an optional UNIX device file; and c) key/value pairs describing the
> device. It's a very simple service, a bit like what HAL is today without
> all the probers/callouts
>  http://hal.freedesktop.org/docs/DeviceKit/
>  http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=users/david/DeviceKit.git;a=summary

Some comments:

I see you have InhibitShutdown foo here. As I mentioned before I
believe this functionality belongs in some init system specific D-Bus
API. But the real problem I see here how does this play with what is
already in CK regarding shutdown?

Where will ACL management/frevoke be handled? And how will policies for
it be configured?

Will DK create device symlinks, maybe be based on its advanced
knowledge of what a device actually is? What's the relation between
your property merging in udev rules? Or will udev talk to dk? I
remember we talked about that in Hong Kong, any conclusions?

I see that devices in DK are identified by a "native path". I
understand that is a runtime-unique sysfs path. Something I've been
missing in HAL is a more unified approach how to recognize known
devices. I.e. by unique uuid if they have one, by bus path, by
vendor/product id, by BIOS tag, and so on and so on. Depending on
policy, one way to identify a device might be more important thatn the
others. Any ideas on this? Or is this mostly policy you expect will be
merged in via the property merging?


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net         ICQ# 11060553
http://0pointer.net/lennart/           GnuPG 0x1A015CC4

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