How do I tell hal not to handle a device?
Yan Seiner
yan at
Tue May 20 07:10:09 PDT 2008
I know I've seen this somewhere in some doc, but for the life of me I
can't find it again.
I have a USB device that I want to be user mounted. I don't want it to
be automounted.
I've added it to fstab:
/dev/disk/by-uuid/0123-4567 /media/Sansa vfat
user,sync,rw,nosuid,nodev,noauto 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/3738-3631 /media/SansaSD vfat
user,sync,rw,nosuid,nodev,noauto 0 0
so my users can mount it but hal still feeds the info to
gnome-volume-manager as /dev/sd?1 so it gets mounted. (Aside: if hal
doesn't handle devices in fstab, shouldn't the above entries prevent
So I want to tell hal that if it sees this device, either as a USBID or
as a UUID, then just leave it alone.
,>/'_ o__
(_)\(_) ,>/'_ o__
Yan Seiner (_)\(_) ,>/'_ o__
Personal Trainer (_)\(_) ,>/'_ o__
Professional Engineer (_)\(_) ,>/'_
Who says engineers have to be pencil necked geeks? (_)\(_)
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