Why is the Dell killswitch interface turning *off* all hardware BT switches?

Bastien Nocera hadess at hadess.net
Fri Oct 24 00:41:51 PDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-10-23 at 16:31 -0500, Michael_E_Brown at Dell.com wrote:
> Bastien,
>   I'm curious as to what "stupid things" that dellWirelessCtl might be
> doing. The statement by itself isnt exceedingly enlightening or
> helpful.

>From Mario's mail, it looks like it's possible to shoot yourself in the
foot using dellWirelessCtl. So either the option needs to be removed, or
its usage needs to be fixed in HAL and the problems documented.

I thought this process of thought would have been pretty clear from the
context, but obviously, it wasn't.


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