Truncating text in hal_util_get_string_from_file

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Fri Oct 31 02:50:22 PDT 2008

Attached is a patch that removes the forced '\0' from the last char in
the string.

While doing some patches for OLPC, all the OFW firmware strings are not
terminated with \n\0 just with \0.

This means that we get results like "OLP" when we should be getting

data  = OLPC0
index = 01234

len = 4
data[len-1] = C

data  = IBMn0
index = 01234

len = 4
data[len-1] = \n

Now, the isspace check checks for \n, so we can remove the explicit \0
termination, and rely on the code three lines down. Removing the
explicit code allows non-newline terminated strings to be got with

Okay to commit?


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