hal fdi policy files and xml
Patrick Stahl
patrick-stahl at gmx.de
Thu Dec 10 15:55:07 PST 2009
Hello guys,
I am a linux user for around 9 years now, started up with the gentoo
distribution in winter 2000, so i am quite used to configure and adept
the system to my needs and i really appreciate this in GNU/Linux.
I used my XF86_Config file and later an xorg.conf with very specific settings for the 2 to my system connected mouses.
The first thing is that usually you can even as a beginner in linux very easily learn how to adept your X-Server configuration with the help of the common documentation etc..
So and that's what i did, i used several config files for specific operations. Like starting up an second X-Server with only one of my 2 mice activated, with the help of udev custom rules for device files.
I then learned about the features which where introduced with the hal system and the embedding of it for the X-Server configuration. And the System is useful i think, but there is one damn fucking thing which annoyers me.
Why are the hal fdi policy files written in this damn cryptographic xml? Every damn program under GNU/Linux has a config file which is easy to edit, with the man page easy to understand and open for new people which are interested to customize this directly.
WHY XML?? I am not a programmer and i do not understand xml, never wanted, and i don't think something like this is needed to read configuration from different files. Take a look at udev the realized this without xml config files and it was easy to learn and understand how this works out and how to customize device files for my usb stuff.
I am really angry because i think your cutting away freedom of choice from users by useing xml as format for the config files and you destroy the usability of GNU/Linux in a great deal. For me the usability was one of the main reasons i tried it out 9 years ago, i liked it and now in one of the main points this is basically gone for me.
At the moment i have my X-Server compiled without hal support und use it with my old config file plus added in the option to not use autoadding devices. It has worked for me for around 9 years.
I can not customize my X-Server settings as i did before, useing different configs, which i then started up with the specific applications.
I do not think how i can use my old system of different config files anymore with hal and the fdi policy files, and the evdev driver for the X-Server.
Image, as an example, i run one X-Server on Display 0 with both of my mice activated, and a second X-Server on Display 1 with only 1 of them.
Explain me how i can realize this with your damn xml hal fdi files ok?
I think this is not possible.
Anyway have a nice day,
Patrick Stahl
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