Need guide: Fujitsu touchscreen fdi

Ahmad Syukri bin Abdollah syockit at
Wed Jan 21 18:11:32 PST 2009

I use Fujitsu Loox P70U/V, basically a P1510 or P1610 variety. The
touchscreen is serial at /dev/ttyS0 using fujitouch driver

I managed to load the driver through xorg.conf, using the following entries:

Section "InputDevice"
  Identifier "touchscreen"
  Driver "fujitsu"
  Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
  Option "DeviceName" "touchscreen"
  Option "MinX" "100"
  Option "MinY" "200"
  Option "MaxX" "4020"
  Option "MaxY" "3990"
  Option "SendCoreEvents" "On"

But I'd like to make use of hal so that I could package the driver
with newer Ubuntu distributions (like the work on xf86-input-evtouch).
I came up with something like this for the fdi:

<deviceinfo version="0.2">
    <match key="info.capabilities" contains="input.tablet.tabletPC">
      <match key="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer:system.hardware.product"
        <merge key="input.device.set" type="string">/dev/ttyS0</merge>
        <merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string">fujitsu</merge>

But it doesn't work. xorg.0.log shows:

  (WW) config/hal: no driver or path specified for

even though the said udi has input.tablet.tabletPC for its info.capabilities.
Any hints?

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