hal >= 0.5.13: hald-addon-storage doesn't work

Robby Workman rw at rlworkman.net
Mon Feb 22 16:51:24 PST 2010

On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 03:39:52 +0300
"27/249" <i27249 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to update my slackware-based system to udev 151. As far as
> I see, udev update requires hal update as well, so I decided to update
> to hal 0.5.14.
> Initial versions: udev 141, hal 0.5.11 - everything works just fine.
> After upgrading udev and hal, I got an issue: removable media doesn't
> detects anymore.

You also need new util-linux-ng and e2fsprogs at least.

I'm curious as to why you want to do this, but either way,
if you can be patient for a bit longer, we've got all of 
this queued to hit the public -current (development) tree 

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