[PATCH v2] Overview

Michael Witten mfwitten at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 00:04:45 PST 2010

The original thread can be found here:


Peter Hutterer wrote:

    For the linux-specific part:
    Reviewed-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutterer at who-t.net>

    imho, this patch is useful even if the new change weren't
    in the kernel - it ensures that the device is caught by at
    least one driver (if synaptics isn't installed).

    What I am not sure about however is the non-linux part,
    assigning the mouse driver to the touchpad. It's been a
    while since I had to deal with the driver but I doubt
    that it handles the touchpad well.

to which I responded:

    It does seem reasonable that non-Linux systems rely on
    hardware-specific X11 drivers (as in `synaptics'), so
    that the `mouse' line would be unnecessary (if not

    However, I've been doing some reading (skimming), and
    it appears that, say, a synaptics touchpad emulates a
    standard mouse by default, and this:


    suggests that the X11 driver be `mouse'.

    Therefore, perhaps it's not such a bad idea to set
    `mouse' as the default X11 driver on non-Linux systems.

and then there was silence. This is a small and seemingly
uncontroversial patch; please apply it if there are no

Here is the diffstat:

    fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-x11-input.fdi |    8 ++++++++
     1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

and associated patch subject:

    [PATCH v2] Policy: handle `input.touchpad' explicitly

Michael Witten

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