Feature request for lshal

Houk, Leslie B. (JSC-ER2)[S & K AEROSPACE INC] leslie.b.houk at nasa.gov
Thu Mar 25 14:32:52 PDT 2010

Would it be possible to modify lshal to show the asset tag information returned by the command "dmidecode -s chassis-asset-tag"?  Currently, lshal version 0.5.13 on my Fedora 12 system can return system.chassis.manufacturer and system.chassis.type, so why couldn't it be made to show system.chassis.asset_tag?  I would use dmidecode, but I need something that can be run by a non-privileged user.

(If this isn't the proper way to request a feature be added to hal, I would be happy to make the request properly if someone will tell me how.)

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