[HarfBuzz] Text Layout and Typography Working Group at LGM (1) URLs for the wikis (2) Accomodations

Ed Trager ed.trager at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 12:13:45 PST 2009

Hi, everyone,

(1) WIKI URLs:

You probably already know these, but just a quick update in case you don't:

      1.1. Text Layout and Typography 2009 wiki is at:

      1.2. I also have added the Text Layout and Typography 2009
meeting under "Presenters and Talks" on the LGM wiki as follows:



According to the LGM Wiki, there will be "MULTI"-style dorm rooms
holding 3 people for apx. CAD $66 (to be confirmed).  Those of you who
attended TLM in Glasgow may remember that we booked a big dorm room at
a very reasonable price and that seemed to work out really well for
people.  So if any of you are interested in a similar inexpensive but
congenial arrangement for the Text Layout meeting this year, please
let me know and I will work on reserving rooms.  The sooner folks let
me know, the more likely we will be successful at reserving the
limited number of "multi" rooms available.

Best Wishes -- Ed Trager

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