[HarfBuzz] hangul shaper for harfbuzz-ng

Jonathan Kew jonathan at jfkew.plus.com
Wed Feb 16 08:20:50 PST 2011

I've just been starting to look at what would be needed to support Hangul (Korean) in hb-ng. There are a couple of aspects to this: first, composition of Hangul syllables from sequences of jamo (so that decomposed text will display well, without requiring fonts to implement all the compositions themselves); and second, application of the ljmo/vjmo/tjmo features to the appropriate positions, for the benefit of fonts with advanced support for Old Korean.

As a first step, here is a patch to add a Korean shaping module with canonical composition of decomposed jamo sequences. It does *not* yet do anything about the *jmo features, only the generic features will be applied. But with this patch, I see much better results for modern Korean text that happens to be in decomposed form.

Behdad, to connect this to the shaping code path, I added a new hb_preprocess_chars() function that is called on the buffer before hb_substitute_default(), so that it can manipulate the character codes. Please see what you think of this as an approach, and if you see a better way to approach it, let me know.


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