[HarfBuzz] Problem - Output Incorrect

Michael Paul Young thedesigngraphik at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 00:36:17 PST 2011

We are having some output issues lately, and we have tried changing lib.png
and freetype to various versions with no luck. But it seems no matter what
we get this strange output when going to PNG, but PDF works just fine. It
seems to be adding these lines into certain letters, like EF. But then if
we adjust it to be multiple letters which changes the line hight of it all,
it outputs just fine.

One thing is on our previous server it was a 32bit area, but we are on a
new box now that is setup as 64bit.

Problem > http://cl.ly/340O290J2732332w1E0s (those white lines in the E
should not be there)

This Works >  http://cl.ly/3p1q2e2Y380F3m3x060U

Any ideas, tips on how to resolve this?

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