[HarfBuzz] harfbuzz: Branch 'master' - 4 commits

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Dec 17 20:26:21 PST 2012

 src/hb-open-type-private.hh        |   11 ++
 src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh |  152 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 src/hb-ot-layout.cc                |   93 +++-------------------
 3 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit efe252e6000558f78075adadb2a3dba25ab67c04
Author: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 17 23:21:05 2012 -0500

    [OTLayout] Fix 'size' featureParams implementation
    Looks at alternate location now.

diff --git a/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh b/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh
index 50ffa20..bff383a 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh
+++ b/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh
@@ -261,7 +261,71 @@ struct FeatureParamsSize
   inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
-    return TRACE_RETURN (c->check_struct (this));
+    if (unlikely (!c->check_struct (this))) return TRACE_RETURN (false);
+    /* This subtable has some "history", if you will.  Some earlier versions of
+     * Adobe tools calculated the offset of the FeatureParams sutable from the
+     * beginning of the FeatureList table!  Now, that is dealt with in the
+     * Feature implementation.  But we still need to be able to tell junk from
+     * real data.  Note: We don't check that the nameID actually exists.
+     *
+     * Read Roberts wrote on 9/15/06 on opentype-list at indx.co.uk :
+     *
+     * Yes, it is correct that a new version of the AFDKO (version 2.0) will be
+     * coming out soon, and that the makeotf program will build a font with a
+     * 'size' feature that is correct by the specification.
+     *
+     * The specification for this feature tag is in the "OpenType Layout Tag
+     * Registry". You can see a copy of this at:
+     * http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/opentype/index_tag8.html#size
+     *
+     * Here is one set of rules to determine if the 'size' feature is built
+     * correctly, or as by the older versions of MakeOTF. You may be able to do
+     * better.
+     *
+     * Assume that the offset to the size feature is according to specification,
+     * and make the following value checks. If it fails, assume the the size
+     * feature is calculated as versions of MakeOTF before the AFDKO 2.0 built it.
+     * If this fails, reject the 'size' feature. The older makeOTF's calculated the
+     * offset from the beginning of the FeatureList table, rather than from the
+     * beginning of the 'size' Feature table.
+     *
+     * If "design size" == 0:
+     *     fails check
+     *
+     * Else if ("subfamily identifier" == 0 and
+     *     "range start" == 0 and
+     *     "range end" == 0 and
+     *     "range start" == 0 and
+     *     "menu name ID" == 0)
+     *     passes check: this is the format used when there is a design size
+     * specified, but there is no recommended size range.
+     *
+     * Else if ("design size" <  "range start" or
+     *     "design size" >   "range end" or
+     *     "range end" <= "range start" or
+     *     "menu name ID"  < 256 or
+     *     "menu name ID"  > 32767 or
+     *     menu name ID is not a name ID which is actually in the name table)
+     *     fails test
+     * Else
+     *     passes test.
+     */
+    if (!designSize)
+      return TRACE_RETURN (false);
+    else if (subfamilyID == 0 &&
+	     subfamilyNameID == 0 &&
+	     rangeStart == 0 &&
+	     rangeEnd == 0)
+      return TRACE_RETURN (true);
+    else if (designSize < rangeStart ||
+	     designSize > rangeEnd ||
+	     subfamilyNameID < 256 ||
+	     subfamilyNameID > 32767)
+      return TRACE_RETURN (false);
+    else
+      return TRACE_RETURN (true);
   USHORT	designSize;	/* Represents the design size in 720/inch
@@ -343,9 +407,7 @@ struct FeatureParamsCharacterVariants
     return TRACE_RETURN (c->check_struct (this) &&
 			 characters.sanitize (c));
-  /* TODO: This is made private since we don't have the facilities in
-   * FeatureParams to correctly sanitize this. */
-  private:
   USHORT	format;			/* Format number is set to 0. */
   USHORT	featUILableNameID;	/* The ‘name’ table name ID that
 					 * specifies a string (or strings,
@@ -380,24 +442,25 @@ struct FeatureParamsCharacterVariants
 struct FeatureParams
-  /* Note:
-   *
-   * FeatureParams structures unfortunately don't have a generic length argument,
-   * so their length depends on the feature name / requested use.  We don't have
-   * that information at sanitize time.  As such, we sanitize for the longest
-   * subtable possible.  This may nuke a possibly valid subtable if it's unfortunate
-   * enough to happen at the very end of the GSUB/GPOS table.  But that's very
-   * unlikely (I hope!).
-   *
-   * When we fully implement FeatureParamsCharacterVariants, we should fix this
-   * shortcoming...
-   */
-  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, hb_tag_t tag) {
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
-    return TRACE_RETURN (c->check_struct (this));
+    if (tag == HB_TAG ('s','i','z','e'))
+      return TRACE_RETURN (u.size.sanitize (c));
+    if ((tag & 0xFFFF0000) == HB_TAG ('s','s','\0','\0')) /* ssXX */
+      return TRACE_RETURN (u.stylisticSet.sanitize (c));
+    if ((tag & 0xFFFF0000) == HB_TAG ('c','v','\0','\0')) /* cvXX */
+      return TRACE_RETURN (u.characterVariants.sanitize (c));
+    return TRACE_RETURN (true);
+  inline const FeatureParamsSize& get_size_params (hb_tag_t tag) const
+  {
+    if (tag == HB_TAG ('s','i','z','e'))
+      return u.size;
+    return Null(FeatureParamsSize);
+  }
+  private:
   union {
   FeatureParamsSize			size;
   FeatureParamsStylisticSet		stylisticSet;
@@ -426,26 +489,36 @@ struct Feature
     if (unlikely (!(c->check_struct (this) && lookupIndex.sanitize (c))))
       return TRACE_RETURN (false);
+    /* Some earlier versions of Adobe tools calculated the offset of the
+     * FeatureParams subtable from the beginning of the FeatureList table!
+     *
+     * If sanitizing "failed" for the FeatureParams subtable, try it with the
+     * alternative location.  We would know sanitize "failed" if old value
+     * of the offset was non-zero, but it's zeroed now.
+     */
     Offset orig_offset = featureParams;
-    if (likely (featureParams.sanitize (c, this)))
+    if (unlikely (!featureParams.sanitize (c, this, closure ? closure->tag : HB_TAG_NONE)))
+      return TRACE_RETURN (false);
+    if (likely (!orig_offset))
       return TRACE_RETURN (true);
-    /* Some earlier versions of Adobe tools calculated the offset of the
-     * FeatureParams sutable from the beginning of the FeatureList table!
-     * Try that instead... */
-    if (closure && closure->list_base)
+    if (featureParams == 0 && closure && closure->list_base && closure->list_base < this)
+      unsigned int new_offset_int = (unsigned int) orig_offset -
+				    ((char *) this - (char *) closure->list_base);
       Offset new_offset;
-      new_offset.set (orig_offset - ((char *) this - (char *) closure->list_base));
       /* Check that it did not overflow. */
-      if (new_offset != (orig_offset - ((char *) this - (char *) closure->list_base)))
+      new_offset.set (new_offset_int);
+      if (new_offset == new_offset_int &&
+	  featureParams.try_set (c, new_offset) &&
+	  !featureParams.sanitize (c, this, closure ? closure->tag : HB_TAG_NONE))
 	return TRACE_RETURN (false);
-      return TRACE_RETURN (featureParams.try_set (c, new_offset) &&
-			   featureParams.sanitize (c, this));
-    return TRACE_RETURN (false);
+    return TRACE_RETURN (true);
diff --git a/src/hb-ot-layout.cc b/src/hb-ot-layout.cc
index f7a54bb..e4bac0a 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-layout.cc
+++ b/src/hb-ot-layout.cc
@@ -647,104 +647,39 @@ hb_ot_layout_get_size_params (hb_face_t    *face,
 			      unsigned int *range_start,       /* OUT.  May be NULL */
 			      unsigned int *range_end          /* OUT.  May be NULL */)
-  bool ret = false;
   const OT::GPOS &gpos = _get_gpos (face);
+  const hb_tag_t tag = HB_TAG ('s','i','z','e');
   unsigned int num_features = gpos.get_feature_count ();
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_features; i++)
-    if (HB_TAG ('s','i','z','e') == gpos.get_feature_tag (i))
+    if (tag == gpos.get_feature_tag (i))
       const OT::Feature &f = gpos.get_feature (i);
-      const OT::FeatureParamsSize &params = f.get_feature_params ().u.size;
-      /* This subtable has some "history", if you will.  Some earlier versions of
-       * Adobe tools calculated the offset of the FeatureParams sutable from the
-       * beginning of the FeatureList table!  Now, we don't check for that possibility,
-       * but we want to at least detect junk data and reject it.
-       *
-       * Read Roberts wrote on 9/15/06 on opentype-list at indx.co.uk :
-       *
-       * Yes, it is correct that a new version of the AFDKO (version 2.0) will be
-       * coming out soon, and that the makeotf program will build a font with a
-       * 'size' feature that is correct by the specification.
-       *
-       * The specification for this feature tag is in the "OpenType Layout Tag
-       * Registry". You can see a copy of this at:
-       * http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/opentype/index_tag8.html#size
-       *
-       * Here is one set of rules to determine if the 'size' feature is built
-       * correctly, or as by the older versions of MakeOTF. You may be able to do
-       * better.
-       *
-       * Assume that the offset to the size feature is according to specification,
-       * and make the following value checks. If it fails, assume the the size
-       * feature is calculated as versions of MakeOTF before the AFDKO 2.0 built it.
-       * If this fails, reject the 'size' feature. The older makeOTF's calculated the
-       * offset from the beginning of the FeatureList table, rather than from the
-       * beginning of the 'size' Feature table.
-       *
-       * If "design size" == 0:
-       *     fails check
-       *
-       * Else if ("subfamily identifier" == 0 and
-       *     "range start" == 0 and
-       *     "range end" == 0 and
-       *     "range start" == 0 and
-       *     "menu name ID" == 0)
-       *     passes check: this is the format used when there is a design size
-       * specified, but there is no recommended size range.
-       *
-       * Else if ("design size" <  "range start" or
-       *     "design size" >   "range end" or
-       *     "range end" <= "range start" or
-       *     "menu name ID"  < 256 or
-       *     "menu name ID"  > 32767 or
-       *     menu name ID is not a name ID which is actually in the name table)
-       *     fails test
-       * Else
-       *     passes test.
-       */
-      if (!params.designSize)
-        ret = false;
-      else if (params.subfamilyID == 0 &&
-	       params.subfamilyNameID == 0 &&
-	       params.rangeStart == 0 &&
-	       params.rangeEnd == 0)
-        ret = true;
-      else if (params.designSize < params.rangeStart ||
-	       params.designSize > params.rangeEnd ||
-	       params.subfamilyNameID < 256 ||
-	       params.subfamilyNameID > 32767)
-        ret = false;
-      else
-        ret = true;
+      const OT::FeatureParamsSize &params = f.get_feature_params ().get_size_params (tag);
-#define PARAM(a, A) if (a) *a = params.A
-      if (ret)
+      if (params.designSize)
+#define PARAM(a, A) if (a) *a = params.A
 	PARAM (design_size, designSize);
 	PARAM (subfamily_id, subfamilyID);
 	PARAM (subfamily_name_id, subfamilyNameID);
 	PARAM (range_start, rangeStart);
 	PARAM (range_end, rangeEnd);
-	break;
-      }
 #undef PARAM
+	return true;
+      }
 #define PARAM(a, A) if (a) *a = 0
-  if (!ret)
-  {
-    PARAM (design_size, designSize);
-    PARAM (subfamily_id, subfamilyID);
-    PARAM (subfamily_name_id, subfamilyNameID);
-    PARAM (range_start, rangeStart);
-    PARAM (range_end, rangeEnd);
-  }
+  PARAM (design_size, designSize);
+  PARAM (subfamily_id, subfamilyID);
+  PARAM (subfamily_name_id, subfamilyNameID);
+  PARAM (range_start, rangeStart);
+  PARAM (range_end, rangeEnd);
 #undef PARAM
-  return ret;
+  return false;
commit e77b4425746ac9eb407ca4e742d962f1955971b4
Author: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 17 18:42:59 2012 -0500

    [OTLayout] Fix tracing

diff --git a/src/hb-open-type-private.hh b/src/hb-open-type-private.hh
index 6b9f721..5bfeb16 100644
--- a/src/hb-open-type-private.hh
+++ b/src/hb-open-type-private.hh
@@ -255,7 +255,8 @@ struct hb_sanitize_context_t
        "may_edit(%u) [%p..%p] (%d bytes) in [%p..%p] -> %s",
        p, p + len, len,
-       this->start, this->end);
+       this->start, this->end,
+       this->writable ? "GRANTED" : "DENIED");
     return TRACE_RETURN (this->writable);
commit 9b54562d63f1a9e0e5b33d71c32bd1588759ebf1
Author: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 17 13:55:36 2012 -0500

    [OTLayout] Towards correct FeatureParams handling

diff --git a/src/hb-open-type-private.hh b/src/hb-open-type-private.hh
index 347e299..6b9f721 100644
--- a/src/hb-open-type-private.hh
+++ b/src/hb-open-type-private.hh
@@ -704,7 +704,13 @@ struct GenericOffsetTo : OffsetType
     return TRACE_RETURN (likely (obj.sanitize (c, user_data)) || neuter (c));
-  private:
+  inline bool try_set (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, const OffsetType &v) {
+    if (c->may_edit (this, this->static_size)) {
+      this->set (v);
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
   /* Set the offset to Null */
   inline bool neuter (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
     if (c->may_edit (this, this->static_size)) {
diff --git a/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh b/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh
index 1671717..50ffa20 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh
+++ b/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh
@@ -423,8 +423,29 @@ struct Feature
   inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c,
 			const Record<Feature>::sanitize_closure_t *closure) {
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
-    return TRACE_RETURN (c->check_struct (this) && lookupIndex.sanitize (c) &&
-			 featureParams.sanitize (c, this));
+    if (unlikely (!(c->check_struct (this) && lookupIndex.sanitize (c))))
+      return TRACE_RETURN (false);
+    Offset orig_offset = featureParams;
+    if (likely (featureParams.sanitize (c, this)))
+      return TRACE_RETURN (true);
+    /* Some earlier versions of Adobe tools calculated the offset of the
+     * FeatureParams sutable from the beginning of the FeatureList table!
+     * Try that instead... */
+    if (closure && closure->list_base)
+    {
+      Offset new_offset;
+      new_offset.set (orig_offset - ((char *) this - (char *) closure->list_base));
+      /* Check that it did not overflow. */
+      if (new_offset != (orig_offset - ((char *) this - (char *) closure->list_base)))
+	return TRACE_RETURN (false);
+      return TRACE_RETURN (featureParams.try_set (c, new_offset) &&
+			   featureParams.sanitize (c, this));
+    }
+    return TRACE_RETURN (false);
commit 87e43b7f2be25840748f920ca33ff553833da45f
Author: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 14 17:48:23 2012 -0500

    [OTLayout] Wire tag and list start all the way to Feature
    To fix FeatureParam issues.  No actual fix yet, just plumbing.

diff --git a/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh b/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh
index da6c8f9..1671717 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh
+++ b/src/hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh
@@ -60,9 +60,14 @@ struct Record
     return tag.cmp (a);
+  struct sanitize_closure_t {
+    hb_tag_t tag;
+    void *list_base;
+  };
   inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, void *base) {
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
-    return TRACE_RETURN (c->check_struct (this) && offset.sanitize (c, base));
+    const sanitize_closure_t closure = {tag, base};
+    return TRACE_RETURN (c->check_struct (this) && offset.sanitize (c, base, &closure));
   Tag		tag;		/* 4-byte Tag identifier */
@@ -192,7 +197,8 @@ struct LangSys
    return reqFeatureIndex;;
-  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c,
+			const Record<LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t * = NULL) {
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
     return TRACE_RETURN (c->check_struct (this) && featureIndex.sanitize (c));
@@ -230,7 +236,8 @@ struct Script
   inline bool has_default_lang_sys (void) const { return defaultLangSys != 0; }
   inline const LangSys& get_default_lang_sys (void) const { return this+defaultLangSys; }
-  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c,
+			const Record<Script>::sanitize_closure_t * = NULL) {
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
     return TRACE_RETURN (defaultLangSys.sanitize (c, this) && langSys.sanitize (c, this));
@@ -413,7 +420,8 @@ struct Feature
   inline const FeatureParams &get_feature_params (void) const
   { return this+featureParams; }
-  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+  inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c,
+			const Record<Feature>::sanitize_closure_t *closure) {
     TRACE_SANITIZE (this);
     return TRACE_RETURN (c->check_struct (this) && lookupIndex.sanitize (c) &&
 			 featureParams.sanitize (c, this));

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