[HarfBuzz] Problem with compiling

Alfabety dziedzic at alfabety.pl
Fri Jan 6 11:25:25 PST 2012


I recompiled FreeType, Fontconfig, pango, cairo and installed ICU

[DR-11:07:01] $ icu-config --version

[DR-11:09:26] $ freetype-config --ftversion

Everything is installed in one directory:

Until then I could autogen, configure, make and make install hurfbuzz, no more errors, even hb-view renders text, but OT features won't work.

/home/dziedzic/local/bin/hb-view --margin=10 --background=#00000000 --foreground=#000000FF --output-format=png --output-file=/home/dziedzic/typoland.com/public/test.png --font-size=82 --line-space=-16 /home/dziedzic/typoland.com/OTF/PituPro.otf --features='+calt,-dlig,-liga +smcp +swsh' AVABCDEFGHI\n@ 2012-01-06 11:19:34.988910\nfiierdułowate stowarzyszenie\nwielokrotnego użytku Mandingo

Result is available here:

I fonund in autogen listing:
checking for GLIB... yes
checking for GTHREAD... yes
checking for GOBJECT... yes
checking for CAIRO... yes
checking for CAIRO_FT... yes
checking for ICU... no

Looks like hurfbuzz autogen couldn't find ICU.
Could it be a reason for not working features?

Any help?


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