[HarfBuzz] Hangul GSUB features

mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
Sat Jan 25 09:42:31 PST 2014

On Sat, 25 Jan 2014, Dohyun Kim wrote:
> Even after removing syllable decomposition table in ccmp and
> recompositon table in liga, jieubsida fonts will still have an issue
> regarding the case 4, that is multiple jamos to be composed to single
> jamo. If current hangul shaper could be modified so that it would not
> touch upon this sort of jamo sequence, then everybody would be happy.

It sounds like if I'm splitting and rejoining precomposed syllables
myself, this change isn't necessary for me; my rules would split a
sequence like <L, LV> into <L, L, V>, then later recombine it into <LL, V>
or <LLV>, regardless of whether it originated in the text or was created
by the shaper.  So as far as I'm concerned it should be left to the
HarfBuzz developers to decide whether they want this change for other
reasons unrelated to my project - and I imagine they will decide they
don't, but that's up to them.

Matthew Skala
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before principles.

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