[HarfBuzz] HarfBuzz glyph offsets

Simon Cozens simon at simon-cozens.org
Wed Dec 23 19:32:46 PST 2015

On 24/12/2015 11:39, Deepak Jois wrote:
> Here is an old thread that I have bookmarked, regarding whatever little
> documentation that does exist:
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/harfbuzz/2015-August/005036.html

When Khaled's PR lands, there'll be docs available at

(In the meantime the docs are at http://khaledhosny.github.io/harfbuzz/
- like I said, sorry I've dropped the ball on the user manual. As well
as the skeleton that's there, there's an awful lot more I need to add to
it. But finding the time...)

Behdad, any reason this shouldn't be merged?

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