[HarfBuzz] DirectWrite backend for HarfBuzz

Ebrahim Byagowi ebraminio at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 14:12:02 PDT 2015

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 4:53 PM, Bas Schouten <bas at basschouten.com> wrote:

> Harfbuzz is MIT licensed right? I have no problem with that code being
> used and distributed under the MIT license.

Thank you very much :)

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Nikolay Sivov <bunglehead at gmail.com>

> The only reason to use GdiInterop is to enable GDI font
> substitution/resolution. If you don't need that dwrite way would be to get
> system font collection, locate family by name, and use
> GetFirstMatchingFont() with desired weight/style/stretch triple.

I think in order to use fonts given to harfbuzz by hb_blob I can't query
system font collection and some fonts may not even available on the system,
I am missing something here?

> When this fails like that you need to reallocate with returned
> actualGlyphs, and call GetGlyphs again.

not very clean but I am open to do this on some other superior way :)

Why do you need this? Dwrite input is supposed to be in WCHARs.
As far as I know dwrite WCHAR is not playing well with non-BMP characters
and harfbuzz codepoints can not be used as wchar simply, and this also
being done on uniscribe backend. But am I missing another thing here?

This should use WCHAR or similar-sized type - wchar_t size is variable.
 It was done here
it makes sense, done.

This is not used. Note that returned advances/offsets are scaled with:
> <design advance> * emSize / designUnitsPerEm.
Thank you, done. Even the fact I am far from prefect here.

> +  hr = analyzer->GetGlyphs(pchars, length,
>> +    fontFace, FALSE,
>> +    buffer->props.direction,
>> +    &runHead->mScript, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0,
>> +    maxGlyphs, clusters, textProperties,
>> +    glyphs, glyphProperties, &actualGlyphs);
> How can this work if you never pass run text to it? Not to mention locale.
> Also looks like you only try with runHead, so the rest of runs are ignored?
Well, it works, but may I don't know how also :) Locale done
while being a little ugly but is working for now. Yes I just assumed that
we have one run, not pretty but assumption I guess for now.

Thank you for the reviews :)
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