[HarfBuzz] Building hb-view

Richard Wordingham richard.wordingham at ntlworld.com
Fri Oct 28 18:19:07 UTC 2016

On Fri, 28 Oct 2016 19:23:56 +0200
Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny at eglug.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 06:04:43PM +0100, Richard Wordingham wrote:
> > % CFLAGS=-g CXXFLAGS=-g ../configure
> You should get a summary at the end here, check if Cairo support is
> enabled as hb-view requires it.

Thanks for the suggestion, but that says:

"Tools used for command-line utilities:
	Cairo:			true
	Fontconfig:		true"

which rules that issue out.  An executable which I built, along with
the sharable libraries, on 12 September 2015 still works (once I
restored the absolute directory names - ouch!), and uses the sharable
object libcairo.so.

That version says fixes that I know fail on MS Edge should actually
work.  I presume it's out of date, because it rejects dependent vowels
on independent vowels, which are now in general allowed by USE;
Microsoft had previously stated that such independent vowels should be
reclassified as consonants.  (It's currently a convenient way of
checking which browser a PDF of a web page is derived from - MS Edge
allows them but Mozilla doesn't.  The test word is ᩐᩣ 'to take'.)


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