[HarfBuzz] Questions about using OpenType features in HarfBuzz

York Todd tjysunset at outlook.com
Sat Jul 14 14:52:29 UTC 2018

Hello everyone,

I'm working on a Han/Latin text layout & rendering program for personal use, in C# with FreeType as font provider. New to both HarfBuzz and typography, and the nasty CTL.

The goal is to use various CJK/Latin related OpenType features in shaping, at user's (my) choice. To name a few, vert<https://helpx.adobe.com/typekit/using/open-type-syntax.html#vert>, pwid<https://helpx.adobe.com/typekit/using/open-type-syntax.html#pwid>, liga<https://helpx.adobe.com/typekit/using/open-type-syntax.html#liga> and onum<https://helpx.adobe.com/typekit/using/open-type-syntax.html#onum>.

Sorry if it's already documented somewhere, but the docs at harfbuzz.github.io<https://harfbuzz.github.io/shaping-and-shape-plans.html> seems unfinished, google search returned nothing relevant, examples at GitHub wiki didn't even mention about OpenType features, even the C# binding<https://github.com/Robmaister/SharpFont.HarfBuzz> I'm using has a incomplete set of API (think that I can still pinvoke HarfBuzz dll as a workaround though) :/

It would be nice if you could answer these (stupid?) questions:

  *   Does HarfBuzz simply take a list of OpenType features (or equivalent arguments) and shape them into the glyphs, or do I have to manually apply the features afterwards?
  *   Which APIs are relevant?
  *   Does the "direction"/"script"/"language" passed to HarfBuzz automatically set some features?

Thanks in advance!


Todd J. York (pseudonym)
zh-Hans-CN, en-US | UTC+08:00
Sent from Thunderbird
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