[HarfBuzz] [docs][question] Emoji "shaping", etc.

Nathan Willis nwillis at glyphography.com
Mon Oct 1 20:05:20 UTC 2018

Kind of a high-level question about describing HB functionality....

Would you consider the handling of emoji variation-selector sequences to be
"shaping", or some other operation?

Feels like kind of a gray area to me; when it comes to describing what
HarfBuzz does and what the use cases are that developers need it for,
though, it's important to get it right. So I'd like to know what the
consensus is....

[Related question also applies to handling the MATH table -- AIUI, HarfBuzz
leaves math layout to others higher up in the stack, so I wouldn't call
math-table support "math shaping", but other people may see it

nwillis at glyphography.com <http://identi.ca/n8>
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