[HarfBuzz] [ARABIC] - 'hb_buffer_len' returning unexpected value after shaping

Laurent CRUAU Laurent.CRUAU at ingenico.com
Wed Oct 31 11:28:11 UTC 2018

Hello there,

I am pretty new to harfbuzz but anyway I had not been into trouble for long using arabic shaping until recently.
And now I am submitted something weird with very few Arabic strings (the vast majority of them do not cause any problem).

I use HB v1.0.1 on Ubuntu 16, using the regular ArialTTF mscorefont. I also tried HB v2.0.2. on an embedded target and got the same issue.

Consider the following utf16 string:
"\x8D\xFE" "\xDF\xFE" "\xB4\xFE" "\xE0\xFE" "\x8E\xFE" "\xE1\xFE" "\x20\x00" "\xCB\xFE" "\xE0\xFE" "\xF4\xFE" "\xDC\xFE" "\xE2\xE"
Or the following UTF8:

After shaping has been performed, the following string is counted for 11 glyphs (i.e. w/ hb_buffer_len).
The strange thing is that some arabic speaking persons have told me that VISUALLY, we still have 12 glyphs. And I can confirm this myself if I paste this string in an online UTF8/16 decoder. I can move through 12 characters...

Is there some implicit fusion at stake there, or some information I should grab somewhere to match the visuals ?

I did not mention I played with a lot of HB options to configure shaping and I hope I have forgot something important. (hb_buffer_set_flags, hb_buffer_set_unicode_funcs(...get_default()) etc...)


Here is my test snippet:

* HarfBuzz arabic shaping text

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>

#include <harfbuzz/hb.h>
#include <harfbuzz/hb-ft.h>

#define ARIAL_TTF ("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf")

#define UTF16_TEST

static const char utf8_content[] = "\xEF\xBA\x8D\xEF\xBB\x9F\xEF\xBA\xB4\xEF\xBB\xA0\xEF\xBA\x8E\xEF\xBB\xA1\x20\xEF\xBB\x8B\xEF\xBB\xA0\xEF\xBB\xB4\xEF\xBB\x9C\xEF\xBB\xA2\x00";

static const char utf16le_content[] = "\x8D\xFE" "\xDF\xFE" "\xB4\xFE" "\xE0\xFE" "\x8E\xFE" "\xE1\xFE" "\x20\x00" "\xCB\xFE" "\xE0\xFE" "\xF4\xFE" "\xDC\xFE" "\xE2\xE" "\x0\x0";

int main( int argc, char** argv )
    hb_font_t*      font;
    hb_buffer_t*    buffer;
    hb_script_t     script;
    FT_Library      flib;
    FT_Face         face;
    int             found;
    int             ret;

    ret     = -1;
    font    = NULL;
    buffer  = NULL;
    found   = 0;
    script  = HB_SCRIPT_INVALID;

    if( FT_Init_FreeType(&flib) )
    {   printf("unable to initialize freetype library\n");
        goto main_exit;

    if( FT_New_Face(flib, ARIAL_TTF, 0, &face) )
    {   printf("cannot create face\n");
        goto main_exit;

    font = hb_ft_font_create(face, NULL);
    if( !font )
    {   printf("uanble to create font\n");
        goto main_exit;

    buffer = hb_buffer_create();
    if( !buffer )
    {   printf("uanble to create buffer\n");
        goto main_exit;

    // Assign text segment to buffer and examine its properties
#ifdef UTF16_TEST
    hb_buffer_add_utf16(buffer, (const uint16_t*)utf16le_content, 12, 0, 12);
    hb_buffer_add_utf8(buffer, utf8_content, -1, 0, -1);

    // Get script type of text
    script = hb_buffer_get_script(buffer);   //Do not check here but Arabic script IS detected

    hb_buffer_set_direction(buffer, HB_DIRECTION_RTL);
    hb_buffer_set_language(buffer, hb_language_from_string("ar", -1));

    hb_shape(font, buffer, NULL, 0);
    printf("SHAPED !\n");

    printf("got %d characters as a result\n", hb_buffer_get_length(buffer) );

    ret = 0;

  //test only, free another day
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